COVID19-Emergency: USA and the financial support

In virtue of the aid package enacted by the republican and democratic leaders of the Congress and signed last Friday by President Donald Trump, every single contributor who earns up to $75.000 will receive a $1.200 cheque, plus another $500 cheque for any eligible son under 17 years of age.



Employees, unemployed people, and self-employed workers can qualify, on the condition that they have submitted their own tax return for the fiscal year 2018 or 2019.
Married contributors who submit their joint tax return and who earn up to $150.000 will receive $2.400, plus $500 for any eligible son.

When will the cheques be issued?

Those who have already submitted the tax returns for the fiscal year 2019 and opted for a direct deposit on their own current bank account will not need to do anything to get their refund cheque for coronavirus and they will receive it more rapidly, possibly within three weeks.

For everyone else, the process could take longer, even if the treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin has announced on Sunday at the CBS that the White House would have created an electronic system for those who haven’t opted for a direct deposit on their own bank account in order to receive the cheque immediately.

Even people without an income can benefit as long as they don’t fiscally depend on another contributor and as long as they have a valid SSN (Social Security Number).

Nevertheless, anybody who did not submit the tax revenue for the fiscal year 2018 or 2019 are required to submit it for the year 2019, unless they don’t receive social security funds for veterans. The cheques will not be included in the taxable income and, therefore, no taxes on those amounts shall be paid at the end of the fiscal year, as it happens with other revenues.

Those who are not American citizens, but dispose of a Social Security Number and live and work in the United States, including Green Card’s owners and those who conduct business in the virtue of the H-1B visa, have the right to receive the reimbursement check for the Coronavirus. Immigrants who are not authorized to work in the United States are not legitimized to receive the cheque in question.

The inadmissibility applies also to who pays taxes utilizing what is known as Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or ITIN, who pay about $11,74 billion in state and local taxes every year, according to the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS.

The IRS generates those numbers to process tax payments made by a few individuals who cannot obtain a Social Security Number.


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