Integrated expertise

Dr. Alessandro Malerba


Alessandro Malerba is a Chartered accountant, with a degree in business administration from the L. Bocconi University of Milan and subsequent studies in law atthe Catholic University of Milan, qualified in 1986 as a chartered accountant, statutory auditor, technical consultant at the Court of Milan for the specializations of real estate valuations, corporate and corporate valuations, audits.

Eclectic and pragmatic professional trained at leading professional firms in Milan, and subsequently in turn founder and / or partner of important tax and corporate consultancy companies, he has always dealt with corporate, tax and corporate consultancy with particular attention to corporate and tax issues national and international, assistance in extraordinary business operations and business valuations. He also carries out assignments at the Milan court in support of the judge (CTU) and as a judicial liquidator.

He currently holds various positions on Boards of Directors in Italian and foreign manufacturing companies, he also carries out the activity of statutory auditor He works as a publicist at some specialized newspapers and is active in the field of professional training aimed at colleagues with particular reference to consultancy in the context of Italy – USA relations. Manages a team of fifteen people in the areas of activity described later in the presentation. is a member of Rotary Milano Giardini and the historic Società del Giardino. (ITA, GB, FRA) (ITA, GB, FRA)

alessandro malerba